Practice Information
Please check Facebook, Instagram, this website or Twitter for updates on practice.
Soccer-type cleats (boots) and mouthpieces are mandatory. We also prefer kids to wear rugby shorts. NO basketball shorts.
Formal practices run through end of February for U10s to mid March for Middle School. Normally from mid-February through the end of the season practice start time pushes back to 4:00 – 4:15pm and runs till 6:00pm. If you’ve missed some practices, no problem. Come on out, it is not too late to join! We have some players joining as late as February.
Practice location:
First Tuesday or Thursday in December to January – Land Park Baseball fields near corner of West Land Park Drive and 15th Avenue (next to the Sacramento Zoo). Adjacent to the duck pond.
January – March – Land Park Soccer and Rugby Complex
3800 Land Park Dr., Sacramento 95822. Behind Fairy Tale Town which is across the street from the Sacramento Zoo.
Bring cleats (soccer style. Football cleats with middle toe cleat are not permitted)
Mouthpieces are MANDATORY!!!